At Carina State School a number of students have a language background other than English. These students are collectively termed English as a second language (ESL) learners, and often originate from immigrant, Pacific Island, refugee and Indigenous backgrounds.
We aim to help the children from these homes to develop the language skills needed to learn and participate effectively in the classroom. We adopt a whole school approach to address the educational needs of ESL students. We recognise and respond to the challenges faced by ESL learners who require additional learning support to ensure access to quality teach and successful school outcomes.
Our English as a second language learners share their diverse knowledge and experiences, making them a valuable asset to our classrooms.
We take an integrated approach to teach these students, and where appropriate, intervention and support programs are provided by a visiting ESL specialist. She visits several days each week and besides working directly with ESL students provides teachers with advice as to appropriate educational adjustments for these students.
We can also organise interpreter services to ensure families can access school information and services. If you believe your child needs English language learning support, please contact the school and we will determine the eligibility of your child for assistance under guidelines set for us.