The school operates from 8.45am - students prepare for class.
8.50am - Session 1 school commences (2 hours – includes a short munch and crunch break).
10.50am - Lunch (big lunch - play occurs first with eating time starting at 11:20).
11.40am - Session 2 (1 hour 20 minutes).
1.00pm - Afternoon tea (little lunch).
1.30pm - Session 3 (1.5 hour).
3.00pm - End of school day.
3.30pm - Admin closes.
Children are to arrive at school after 8.30am. Students are to sit quietly underneath the administration building until the bell rings.
At lunch and afternoon tea, staff members are rostered to supervise the children in the playground. Staff members are also rostered on duty after school in the parent car park until 3.15pm. Children not collected at this time will be sent to the outside school hours care (if registered) or brought to the office.